vendredi 10 février 2012

join to uwcfs

Registration link
(Follow all the steps)
 verified your account, please upload your documents to our secure system

and complet Personal Questionnaire To complete your registration

Explanation we begin:

02/ Then fill in the blanks Whit Real data

03/ Confirm the conditions

04/ Step 2: Enter the code in the recipient's e-mail

05/ Confirm the code arrived in the mobile phone message

06/ Stress after press login to your account

07/ After entering the account click to activate the portion of your personal information

This is called an initial activation step is very important

Your Personal Questionnaire has not been verified. To have a full access to UWCFS Account Management System online, please, complete our Personal Questionnaire HERE.

08/ Put your data

Put the code you connect the phone or email, which recorded its

Congratulations, you activate your account has been activated Olay

After *******converting the words to

Your Personal Questionnaire has been verified. You can now fully enjoy all the features of UWCFS Account Management System online

Now activate by raising images of personal documents

Your account has not been verified. To have a full access to UWCFS Account Management System
online, please, upload the relevant documents HERE AND complete our Questionnairies HERE

After lifting and make sure the information is correct about 48 hours
1/National identity card
2/Passport if you have 
3/Proof of address:Bill in your name for the last 3 months
4/Legal address
5/If you are a student Upload a picture card for student

Activation is only: 1-3

Activate my account after the lifting of a documentary
Your Personal Questionnaire has been verified. You can now fully enjoy all the features of UWCFS Account Management System online
